Ποιοι είμαστε;

Το 2014, συναντηθήκαμε στο Ποιητικό Εργαστήρι του Ιδρύματος Τάκης Σινόπουλος. Ένα χρόνο μετά, δημιουργήσαμε την ομάδα ποίησης «Σκάσε αηδόνι»[1] από τη βαθιά ανάγκη μας για ελευθερία έκφρασης, καλλιτεχνική ζύμωση και λόγο-παίγνια. Μέσα από ποιητικά παιχνίδια, καταφέρνουμε μια ουσιαστική επικοινωνία υπερβαίνοντας τις διαφορές και τη διαφορετικότητά μας.

[1] στίχος του Ν. Καρούζου

Τετάρτη 20 Ιουνίου 2018

Σειρά μου να παίξω | Δημήτρης Μαύρος



As if a statue
In the sandy arena of time,
I stood and stood and listened
The sun-drenched wind pulsate
On my skin, some light years away.
Whispers in the spiral of my ears,
Recurrent echo:          
Son of marble,
can you sing and be immersed
                        into the syntax of her eyes,
the silent warble
that is love uni-versed?
            Or do you need to analyze?”

There are moments I witness
in the mirror a transient
A few months and many manuscripts later
I may collapse under my own weight.
Or perhaps I’ll find a self
Giving birth to another dancing star
Or a stillborn one;
It’s all a gamble, I know.

Page after page for the dying of the light.

 I entered
 My own event horizon
 electing marble over-
 and gasped in brief, electric agony:
 ὤλετο μοι νόστος’ ”

But I will not go gentle into that good fight.

A leaf, the dripping on its midrib,
lightwaves in its veins
and deaths sowed into each plausible future.

Galaxy’s a spaceflower forming
fluorescent Edens, data
engraved in its genetic code.

Then spoke in wonder
Data: what are we given?

Consider this receding image
something other than the sum
of it particles [Koffka, 1935];

Need not be more, Aristotle…
There’s but the struggle
for universatility.

Perche  …  giammai  ….
…  can only hope  … can only cope if not.
We’re too deep to flee this interstellar exile.



to doG,

Well aren’t you a kick in time’s spine,
you little dog, you…
Shall I compare thee –
Fuck it. ‘Tis all too late for poetics;

who’s to reflect in such a goddamned stillness?
Go-go, you said, find him, find him, he’s
round the corner, sitting on a rock or
round his neck a rope. HA! Remember,

could you, that day of distorted mirrors.
What I interpret as two men waiting
in fact is, probably is, is it?
Cannot be me, do I just yield?

I’ve searched and searched and found none,
not Vladimir nor Estragon.



There was a man at double speed,
who used velocity to veil a need;
when the need began to grow,
‘twas like a past without a glow;
when the past began to entangle,
‘twas like he couldn’t get an angle;
when the angle did at last appear
‘twas like a whirr inside his ear;
when the whirr began to seize,
‘twas like a wood of seizing trees;
when the trees began to roar,
‘twas like a crow in his core;
when my core began to crack,
‘twas like my name on a plaque.
when the plaque began to faint,
‘twas like some poet and a saint;
when those two began to read
‘twas breath and breath and birth indeed.


Some slow shift on stone-
A sheen defrosting the snow,
nourishing absence

I’m a german pond,
where toads tongue the passing flies;
a sign warning: TOD!

Oleanders and
eucalypts bloom all over-

Hiroshima burns.

Universes, Ezra Hawking

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Everything in vain without an end
    fearless of its everlasting rain tho, do remember
    How beating hearts, gorgeously, burning like stars
    shine to defuse warmth anyway

    A war lost from the beginning
    with a deadline that cannot ever seem to reach me
    But in perceiving our fall as art
    you might understand it was never just a spectacle.

    Take care
    Sincerely yours,
    well... :p

    p.s.I: I'm glad you got to feel so deeply. Tbh, sorry of how I knew, all along, you'd only reach new heights only by getting shockingly hurt.
    p.s.II:Aware the above is shit but l just saw it and reacted impulsively
    p.s.III: gg! gj! Hard carried!
